Plan Your Days of Happiness

plan, happiness, joy, fun, friends family, distraction, fullfillment, calendar, schedule, connection, dreams
May 13, 2022
Silvie Francisci

Imagine that one day in your life you are doing anything in your life you want to do. How would your day look like? What would be the primary thing you would be focusing on?

I wanted to share with you a concept of being intentional about your life. As Coach Mike said, the fact that the whole world is screwing up doesn't mean that I am screwing my life as well.

Yes, I am sure you know what I am talking about but how often are you actually letting the world tell you what to do and how to feel? Yes, we are part of the world but also weare individual human beings with their own set of dreams and desires how to live. Once you become aware of that go out there and find what feels good for you. Plan your “days of happiness” and once they come, make these a priority and focus on what you want to do that day as much as possible. And if life gets in the way, make sure you reschedule these. 

In order for us to understand the title of this blogpost “plan your days of happiness” we need to break it down and explain what each word means.

Days of

Plan - decide on how often you can have a day of your happiness in your life. Is it once per 2 weeks, once per month or once in a quarter? Each of us has a different set of responsibilities and so the frequency will vary from person to person. Also, make sure that this day is in your calendar. Inform those who need to be aware of it in advance so that you show them that you care. Prepare ahead, think about how you would need to reorganise your tasks that day and make those phone calls. Remind yourself of this day often. And last but not least, ask yourself how would you like to feel that day? Which is probably related to what you eat and drink the days before as well as how much sleep you get. You want to feel happy that day, right? So make it worth it!

Your - this is about you and your wellbeing. Connecting to yourself again. Whether your friends, family, animals or nature will help you with that it’s your choice. Make yourself a priority. 

Days - As mentioned earlier, such days can occur every 2 weeks or less often. For some people it may be even once a year. These 24 hours are for you and about you. So make it a priority and make it happen.

Happiness - it does not have to be the only feeling you are after. Ask yourself, how do I want to feel that day? What emotions do I want to generate that day? And more importantly, if something happens that will disrupt this, how would I make sure that I go back on track? You may think here of minimising watching news or staying away from your phone so that you can keep the connection flourishing, right? Because the last thing you want is to plan, reorganise your duties that day and then allow some bad news to ruin the day.

Here are my favourite ways to spend days of happiness in my life: being on my own, reading and going for a walk,running a nd exercising. Making sure that my morning and evening routines are in place. Connecting with my friends and family. Solving puzzles. Cooking, baking or gardening. 

Of course I could not finish the article without adding WHY it is important to have such days in your life and your year. It is a gift towards yourself, it is an expression of self-love, it is a way and time to be grateful for your life, to say thank you to your creator, to appreciate your successes, your failures and everything you have learned in life. It is a time of connection with yourself and with the world. It is time to journal, to switch off to stay present but also review, to enjoy. Maybe you will spend it in silence, maybe in nature or maybe with lots of music or sounds going on. The thing is to make these happen in your life and feel like the day mattered. Because then your life will matter more and you will feel stronger with more purpose and fulfilment in your life.

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